Practice Areas



 Estate Planning

Estate Planning

One of the greatest assurances you can give your loved ones is to make arrangements for your death or incapacity through estate planning.  People often neglect this important task because they do not want to approach these topics or because they feel intimidated by the process.  The attorneys at Thompson East are here to change that experience by empowering our clients to understand the options and implement their wishes with regard to protecting their families and wealth.

We advise a wide range of clients with varying family structures, assets, and estate planning goals, from the simple to complex. We will guide you through important decisions—such as who would be guardian of your minor children or how to minimize taxes—so that you understand exactly what would happen in an unforeseen event. We continually educate ourselves on the latest changes in the law so that we can recommend appropriate and individually-tailored documents to our clients such as:

  • Wills,

  • Trusts,

  • Guardianship Designations,

  • Medical Directives,

  • Powers of Attorney,

  • Marital Property Agreements, and

  • Cohabitation Agreements.

We also assist with the coordination of beneficiary designations on assets such as life insurance and retirement accounts to compliment your estate plan.  You can feel confident that the attorneys at Thompson East appreciate the sensitivity of this practice area and are dedicated to giving you the peace of mind that comes from having your affairs in order.



 Probate and Trust Administration

Probate and Trust Administration

Finding an experienced, compassionate probate attorney is crucial when facing the loss of a loved one. Depending on whether the person died with or without a will, there are different processes and procedures to pursue in court to admit a will to probate, determine a person’s heirs, identify assets, address creditor claims, and make distributions to beneficiaries.

The attorneys at Thompson East are skilled in every manner of probate administration and frequently advise executors in the administration of estates of all sizes. We also advise individual and corporate trustees in the administration of trusts. The fiduciary duties owed by executors, trustees, and administrators are some of the highest owed under Texas law, and we will ensure that you meet those requirements while also protecting you from liability.





As the population ages, guardianships are becoming more common as individuals lose capacity to meet their own personal and financial needs. All Thompson East attorneys are certified by the State Bar of Texas to represent parties to a guardianship action, whether the client is seeking a guardianship, resisting a guardianship, an alleged incapacitated person, or serving as a guardian. The guardianship system in Texas is complex, and the professionals at Thompson East will guide you through the process, whether the guardianship is contested or not.

Our attorneys are also experienced in creating and administering less restrictive alternatives to a guardianship, including powers of attorney and guardianship management trusts. 





Disagreements are common when dealing with trusts, estates, guardianships, and other fiduciary relationships, and the attorneys at Thompson East are among the best trial lawyers in Texas when it comes to handling the prosecution and defense of fiduciary-related claims.

Whether you are a party to a will contest, a trustee who has been sued by a beneficiary, a spouse alleging common law marriage, or any other party to fiduciary litigation, our attorneys are dynamic and creative advocates for their clients, many of whom are dealing both with the loss of a loved one at the same time they are a party to a lawsuit. We are familiar with the unique rules that distinguish fiduciary claims from other civil litigation and routinely practice in the specialized probate courts in Texas and other courts that hear fiduciary cases.